Category Archives: French

Easy French: Step-by-Step

Easy French Step By Step

Book Summary:

Get up and running with French

“Easy French Step-by-Step” proves that a solid grounding in grammar basics is the key to mastering a second language. You are quickly introduced to grammatical rules and concepts inorder of importance, which you can build on as you progress through the book. You will also learn more than 300 verbs, chosen by their frequency of use. Numerous exercises and engagingreadings help you quickly build your speaking and comprehension prowess

Amazon Reviews ( 5 Stars – 9, 4 Stars – 1, 1 Star – 2):

1) Excellent French Language book for Teachers and Students,September 28, 2009

By ( 5 Stars)
This review is from: Easy French Step-by-Step (Paperback)

As a French tutor and French native, I love this book. It teaches all aspects of the French language: Conversation, Grammar, Vocabulary and includes excellent Exercises (with answers in the back).
I recommend it highly to everyone, both beginners and those wanting to perfect his or her skills.

2) Absolutement!, October 11, 2010 (4 Stars)

This review is from: Easy French Step-by-Step (Paperback)

I had looked for this version at our local book-seller and they did not carry the series. Such a shame because it is a great book for learning a second language and has fabulous resources for verbs and grammar.

3) Way beyond beginning French, July 27, 2011 (1 Star)

This review is from: Easy French Step-by-Step (Paperback)

If you are looking for book to help with travel to France… parle passed this puppy. It is too advanced for people who want to learn how to say, “Where is the train station?”

4) Too easily written, too cheap perhaps., January 7, 2011 ( 1 Star)

This review is from: Easy French Step-by-Step (Paperback)

This book is cheap and the first chapter is okay. But I just started chapter two and I can tell already this isn’t going to work. There is no cohesive quality. Information like nouns, prepositions and rules for French syntax are just thrown around. Yes, the book does offer the information in a step by step method, but nouns are all over the place making it difficult to reference them if you’ve forgotten a few. The author then will give exercises asking for information that hasn’t been presented. Wake the F up, you can’t do that to someone trying to learn. Mrs. Rochester does that all the time, at least once or twice for each exercise. Some exercises demand answers that have prepositional phrases in them, when the fracking book HAS NOT even introduced the prepositions. Instead they sometimes offer little hints for the preposition in the exercise itself – wake up, that is not how you teach someone the rule for a preposition, especially when they seem to be shifting every time so that once I think I learn a prepositional pattern it changes in the next question for the same fracking exercise. It’s quite frustrating and I’m already convinced that I must trade this book in for a more expensive text. I’m not saying the money always denotes quality, but when it comes to learning a subject, especially language I think the author creates a good text when they know they will get compensation. I’ve taken Latin before and the text was so high quality for around forty quid, while Mrs. Rochester’s text runs less than half that. I need to do some more searching. I need a text that organizes its nouns, verbs, prepositions and other atoms of sentence. Then I need to make sure that the information is presented before there is a question for said information.

Google Books Reviews ( 5 Stars – 1, 4 Stars – 1):

Jeanne‘s review ( 5 Stars) Jul 17, 11

The best French textbook I’ve even read. Although this book is for beginners, sometimes I still have to revise it because of its interesting way of introducing French.

bienfille’s review ( 4 Stars) Feb 17, 2011

This product is superb for a self-learner such as myself. I am already able to hold my own when conversing in French and I am only on the second chapter. The book is very engaging and I find it hard to put it down. If you are a beginner whom is enthused about teaching yourself French, this would be the introduction product for you.

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Posted by on April 20, 2012 in French


Harry Learns French

Harry Learns French
Harry Learns French

Book Summary:

Join Harry on an exciting summer holiday trip to stay with his French cousin, Léa. Essential everyday French phrases and vocabulary are interspersed with a simple, fun-packed story. Join the cousins as they go shopping, to the beach, to a farm and a fancy dress party.

A great introductions to learning a foreign language teaching basic and useful vocabulary in a fun and entertaining way. Each book is your ticket to a whistle-stop tour of the country. Great books for children learning a language for the first time.

Amazon Reviews:

Most Helpful Customer Reviews(5 Stars)
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

I purchased this book for my (now 6 year old) daughter a few months ago and it’s among her most favorite books. She already has some basic skills in French but even for those who do not have any French, this is an excellent pick. The presentation is good allowing any non-French speaking child to understand the meaning of the French words and phrases.Firstly, the amount of French vocabulary is decent and covers a wide variety of subjects (numbers, colors, animals, family members, activities, etc.) Secondly, as a French teacher what I love most is its inclusion of culture related items (descriptions of “boules”, brief explanation of July 14th, different kinds of specialty shops, etc.).

My daughter loves the presentation although my youngest thinks the characters look “mad” (it’s that harder edge graphic style- not my favorite but still eye-catching). There’s a “pop-up” dictionary with each section of vocabulary but the true bonus is the accompanying CD-rom- perfect for children to hear how the vocabulary is properly pronounced (although the interactivity of the cd-rom is quite limited it’s still a great extra).

As someone who is always collecting French language books, it’s nice to see a story that’s more contemporary- evidenced by the explanation of Euros as opposed to French Francs.

This is a great addition to any library whether you’re looking to teach your child French or just widen her knowledge of other cultures.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful( 3 Stars)
Cute, But Nothing Special December 25, 2005
This book is cute and fun at a first glance. But I couldn’t help but feel as if I felt cheated with the vocabulary. The front cover of this book says that there are over 200 French words or phrases, while for the most part there are only 20! And for some reason there seems to be more pictures than vocab words. For instance, on one page alone (the 2nd page for example), they could have added the vocab word for lamp, floor, teapot, sand, water, rock, etc., but instead they just leave it blank. And the CD-rom is nothing really that special, it doesn’t make the book more or less helpful (esp. since they have some words in there that aren’t in the book, which doesn’t make sense, and you can barely mimic what they’re saying). Overall, there’s no harm in buying this for a child—he or she will learn SOME French, which is better than none— but I wouldn’t recommend this or call it essential for the beginning stages of learning the French language. There are plenty of other books like these that have a better and more consistent vocabulary (some that have 200+ when they say they do!) that is more useful.
Flipkart Review:
nice for the beginners( 4 Stars)
this book is a nice one for the ones who want to learn the basic concept of learning has pictures and it ‘s a story based book.over all it’s a good book with more than 200 was shipped within the given time (4-5 days
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Posted by on April 19, 2012 in French


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